Ed Kemper had a troubled childhood, suffering abuse from his family and rejection from both his father and his mother. This abuse and childhood trauma would boil inside of Kemper, creating violent tendencies...
Ed Kemper had a troubled childhood, suffering abuse from his family and rejection from both his father and his mother. This abuse and childhood trauma would boil inside of Kemper, creating violent tendencies...
Ed Kemper had a troubled childhood, suffering abuse from his family and rejection from both his father and his mother. This abuse and childhood trauma would boil inside of Kemper, creating violent tendencies...
On June 2, 2007, 18-year-old, Kelsey Smith was abducted in broad daylight in a Target parking lot in Kansas City, Missouri. During the initial investigation, authorities attempted to use cell phone pings...
On June 2, 2007, 18-year-old, Kelsey Smith was abducted in broad daylight in a Target parking lot in Kansas City, Missouri. During the initial investigation, authorities attempted to use cell phone pings...