In preparation for their swampy themed Pinball Jones show, Satellite Pilot dropped by the KCSU studio for an in-studio performance. They played four original songs throughout the performance, and between...
modrn, a duo from Denver specializing in electronic pop, was the first in-studio of this semester. They came to our studio last week and played four original songs which you can hear below. Between the...
The Greeting Committee was in town last month, and before opening for Hippocampus, the band came to our studio to play some live music. They played straight through their latest EP "I'm Afraid I'm not...
On their way through Fort Collins, The Brazen Youth, an indie group from Connecticut, stopped by the station to play and discuss music. With a fresh EP released earlier this year, the band has been touring...
A few weeks ago weareforests, a local ambient folk band, came to our studio to perform live music. Among the double bass, ambient vocals, and focused drums was a random conversation waiting to happen....