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Colorado State Radio


Cover art for the podcast Painting Corners with Anton Schindler

The best players to come out of the Negro Leagues

April 30, 2022
This week's episode covers a few of the Hall of Famers from the Negro Leagues and their importance in baseball history.
Cover art for the podcast Painting Corners with Anton Schindler

An MLB comeback: The story behind the Long Gone Summer

Anton Schindler November 13, 2021

Description:This episode covers the story behind the Long Gone Summer — the competition between two sluggers following an MLB strike. More information:In 1998, Major League Baseball was still...

Cover art for the podcast Painting Corners with Anton Schindler

The history of baseball lockouts and strikes in MLB

Anton Schindler November 2, 2021

Description:This week we discuss the eight big strikes and lockouts in the history of MLB and try to gather the arguments that made the game what it is. More information:The logistics of baseball...

Cover art for the podcast Painting Corners with Anton Schindler

Sometimes weird stuff happens: Wildest incidents in baseball

Anton Schindler October 26, 2021

Description:This episode goes over some of the weirdest happenings in baseball history, from rowdy fans to disco music. More information:In baseball, much like it is in life, weird stuff tends...

Cover art for the podcast Painting Corners with Anton Schindler

The real origins of baseball: Putting together the pieces

Marie Tanksley September 24, 2021

Description:In this episode of "Painting the Corners with Anton Schindler," we go on a journey debunking myths and uncovering evidence that may lead to the real origins of baseball. It's a heavily...

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