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Colorado State Radio



Colorado State Radio


(in)doors with Forestry

(in)doors with Forestry

Asher Korn July 24, 2020

This week, Asher talks with Forestry, featuring returning guests Nick Visocky, Larson Ross (aka Forestry's biggest fan), and first time interviewee Jairus Crabb. Yes it's an emo project. Get over...

(in)doors with Swan Johnson

(in)doors with Swan Johnson

Asher Korn July 16, 2020

This week, Asher sits down with Swan Johnson, a music producer and entrepreneur, who hails from South Huston Texas, bringing wicked and unique edges to the pop and club music community. We learn more...

KCSU Sports Podcast: 2020 NBA Playoffs

KCSU Sports Podcast: 2020 NBA Playoffs

Matt Gusmerotti July 5, 2020

Shane Black and Jonathan Gillham take a look at the forthcoming NBA 2020 Playoffs, the impacts of COVID-19, and how this season will be remembered in history.

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