Colorado State Radio



Colorado State Radio


Transition and Reentering for CSU Students During Breaks in College

Transition and Reentering for CSU Students During Breaks in College

April 14, 2023

Listen to Mental Health Musing's host Stephanie Zee dive into a myriad of topics with guests Viviane Ephraimson, Mia Carillo, and Sophie Orsund focusing on transition and reentering from break periods...

Mental Health Musings on body politics: Well-being at any size

Mental Health Musings on body politics: Well-being at any size

Marie Tanksley December 10, 2021

Description:In this session, Stephanie Zee and Adam-Jon Aparicio get personal with special guests Helen Bowden and Adam Sargent, talking about how body image affects our self-worth, why we can’t...

Understanding trauma

Understanding trauma

Matt Gusmerotti May 7, 2021

Description:Stephanie Zee and Adam-Jon Aparicio welcome health educator Viviane Ephraimson-Abt and trauma psychologist Jeff Paulez as they explore trauma, ways to recognize it in ourselves and others...

When self-care is not enough

When self-care is not enough

Matt Gusmerotti May 7, 2021

Description:Health educator Stephanie Zee and mental health counselor Adam-Jon Aparicio discuss their personal and professional experiences with the journey of self-care and the process of reaching...

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