Osees is the musical masterpiece of John Dwyer, with an intensive discography ranging from psychedelic rock, to punk, to the most recent synthesized works. Releasing over 28 albums, Osees has a mind-melting...
Deeper is a unique fusion of post punk and alternative rock, with masterful elements reminiscent of the 80s era. Consisting of Nic Gohl, Drew McBride, Shiraz Bhatti, and Kevin Fairbairn, this Chicago band...
This week of the KCSU Music podcast features an interview with the band Alright Alright about their new album, Crucible. Listen to their creative process, how their family life mixes with their career,...
In this in-studio session, Maddy Erskine joins psychedelic desert fuzz band Los Toms to chat about their new album "Centipede Sessions". Unfortunately we couldn’t have the full band come in and play...
In this week's episode of KCSU Live In-Studio, Maddy Erskine talks to People in General about their formation as a band, their musical inspirations, and how they are handling the pandemic. People...