On this episode, we will dive into the unexplained tragedies of beloved Hollywood stars. From the shocking deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson, to the sudden demise of British Royalty. Are their...
On August 19th, KCSU's progamming director, Sasha Sperry, and the podcast director, Erin Fuller, had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Eric Delehoy and Michael Ridley. Delehoy's short film,...
DJ B-Love and DJ Nightwind give a breakdown of the new movie in the Godzilla/King Kong Empire. (2024) New heroes, new foes, and lots of destruction make for an epic and exciting blockbuster experience....
More updates for Halloween Horror Nights has dropped, and Kassey has us covered. Join her as she chats official announcements from Universal about what HHN33 will look like.
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Speculation season has officially begun for Halloween Horror Nights 33! Kassey takes a look at rumors and possible houses coming to Universal and prepares us for the upcoming season.
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