Rainbow Girls and Handmade Moments bring warmth to 830 North

Rainbow Girls and Handmade Moments had a heart-warming performance at 830 North. KCSU’s Jane Godfrey reports.

"I would describe their music as the kind of folk music that sounds like home." Photograph by Jane Godfrey.

“I would describe their music as the kind of folk music that sounds like home.” Photograph by Jane Godfrey.

Jane Godfrey

Rainbow Girls was joined by Handmade Moments on the stage at 830 North. It was a fun and intimate performance with fantastic music. What most impressed me about the musicians was how they all had such versatility as instrumentalists. They all swapped around a stand-up bass, guitar, steel guitar and even took turns beatboxing.

Rainbow Girls performing at 830 North. Photograph by Jane Godfrey.

Rainbow Girls was a fun, folksy three-woman trio. Their voices were sweet and clear, and with their great technical ability produced perfect sounding beautiful harmonies. The same can be said for Handmade Moments, a duo from Arkansas. I would describe their music as the kind of folk music that sounds like home. Anna, the main vocalist in the band, had a very impressive vocal range, hitting the high notes but producing low tones clearly as well. She also played saxophone extremely well, which added an interesting color to their music.

I also really enjoyed the band’s dialogue between songs in their sets. They were very funny – they did voices, told stories, and even involved the audience in a game about vegetables (I was a carrot). This attitude on stage gave them a fantastic stage presence and made this one of the most intimate and home-y concerts I have ever been to. The technical musical skill of Rainbow Girls and Handmade Moments combined with their friendly attitudes made me leave this concert feeling warmer and fuzzier than I did when I arrived.

More information on Handmade Moments and Rainbow Girls can be found on their websites. More KCSU concert reviews can be found here.