CSU’s Holocaust Awareness Week; Biden’s Supreme Court nominee
This episode from March 1 covers a COVID-19 outbreak on Semester at Sea, information on Holocaust Awareness Week at CSU and Biden’s Supreme Court nominee.

Design: Kota Babcock, Photo: Kasen Schamaun | The Collegian
In recognition of Holocaust Awareness Week, the field near the Lory Student Center at Colorado State University displays flags of various colors, with each representing 5,000 victims of the Holocaust.
March 1, 2022
Ellie Shannon goes over Colorado State University campus news with details on a COVID-19 outbreak on a Semester at Sea cruise ship. Kota Babcock goes over new updates in COVID-19 pandemic statistics and policies. Listeners hear from Students for Holocaust Awareness about the upcoming events for Holocaust Awareness week.
After that, Babcock goes over details on President Joe Biden’s new Supreme Court nominee and a boycott on Russian vodka. Listeners hear from Jessica Gilmore of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service on wildfire prevention. To conclude the show, Babcock explains some updates in technology with information about how tech companies like Facebook and Starlink are supporting Ukraine.
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