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Local Band Widow's Bane In-Studio Friday


Boulder’s very own self-proclaimed “zombie death polka” group Widow’s Bane isn’t your typical band.

The Widow’s Bane released their first self-titled album in 2009. Their latest release, Don’t Be Afraid, It’s Only Death certainly has its vaudeville influences, yet it also channels New Orleans dixieland. To say this music is a fusion of many genres is a bit of an understatement. There are elements of folk, metal, sea chanty, punk, and even klezmer.

The band is comprised of seven members: Mortimer Leech, Rutherford Belleview, Franklin McKane, Madame Reaper, Jimson Crockett, Abracham Lynch, and Iron Mike. The group got it’s start in 1775 (yes you read that correctly… 1775!) according to their Facebook page. From being buried alive and recovered by the devil to being hung up by a piano wire by his wife, each member has an elaborate back story.

With full zombie make-up and costumes, this band puts on a performance you won’t want to miss. They’ll be in-studio Friday February 27th for Super Sweet 16 & Pregnant with DJ ZJ and Thunderbeard at 11am-1pm before their gig at the Aggie.
