Turnover has been that band that I knew all of their songs, but never put a name to the songs. One of my favorite songs of all time is “Dizzy on the Comedown,” since it was one of those songs I discovered when I first started to drive. Growing up, the only thing you could do in my hometown is drive around – I lived in the suburbs so it was either that or go to Target. One of my first times getting behind that wheel and feeling so “free,” one of my friends I picked up played that song. It reminds me of what I thought it felt like to be an adult. Boy was I wrong.

Fast forward three years, instead of being a junior in high school, I’m a junior in college and heard they are coming to the Aggie Theater. I know their name sounds familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. After some quick research, I realized who they were and needed to go. I heard that song again and felt transported back to the time before life actually begun.
I’ve begin to notice that there is a running theme between the Aggie theater and I, usually consists of going to concerts that meant a lot to me from when I was younger, and almost closing that chapter of my life as well. So once that November night hit, I was ready for it.
My drive down to Aggie was quick and pretty – they had just put the Christmas lights up all around Old Town so my eyes were only looking up most of the time. We came later than I would like to because of school, but that meant we didn’t have to stand in line in the fresh new November weather at all – that did mean we missed the opening act.
We really couldn’t push up the crowd, but I was fine with that because before I knew it, the beginning tune of “Tears of Change,” began with butterflies growing in my stomach. The guitar solos & riffs on that some give me heavy psychedelic rock vibes, with the crowd mostly head banging.
Turnover was such a great group to preform at the Aggie since they really connected with the crowd. Even sometimes taking time to crack jokes and really take time to seem like people – not performers. My highlights from the show was “Mountains Made of Clouds,” “Plant Sugar,” & of course – “Dizzy on the Comedown.” It was the third to last song played and I swear – I almost cried.
Turnover was an amazing concert to go to, and of course the Aggie is such a great concert to house them.